Bridge the Gap Website Mockup


This one-page website is for the conceptual non-profit organization Bridge the Gap (BTG). BTG provides rural communities with technology and educational opportunities. The website is a resource for users to learn about the organization, donate, shop, request help, and more.

The development of the website began with the creation of a sitemap and style tile. Three personas, representing a young student, a parent, and a teacher who are primary and secondary users of the site, were also created to drive the website’s design and content. The website was built in the Bootstrap 5 framework. It is responsive for viewing on desktops and mobile devices.

The website features a collage of photos with students utilizing BTG’s technology, with the organization’s logo and mission statement overlaying as a hero image. Additionally, the mission statement is prominently displayed within the first fold, as well as a list of statistics about the organization’s impact. The site’s navigation contains the logo, a list of navigation links, and a donate button, placed so that users have multiple easy places to access the donation portal.

A list of the organization’s services is placed within card tiles showing a playful icon, a heading, description, and a call to action. The Shop section, which shows Bridge the Gap’s most popular merchandise items, complete with a photo, name, short description, price, and a call to action. The remainder of the page contains helpful information, prominent buttons, icons, and colorful photos to add visual interest. The footer has a link to navigate to the top of the page, a repeat of the navigation bar, contact information including social media, and legal information.

The imagery is consistent with BTG’s branding, using the same fonts, color palette, photos, icons, and pattern. The site is playful, inviting, and accessible for young people and those with low computer literacy. Large, descriptive buttons, clearly separated sections, and multiple ways to navigate make the site easy to explore. Color contrast and alt tags on every image also increase accessibility. The site is also SEO optimized, with a meta description and proper heads and paragraph structure.


Bridge the Gap Website Services Section Still

Services Section Still

Bridge the Gap Website Shop Section Still

Shop Section Still

Bridge the Gap Website How to Help Section Still

How to Help Section Still

Bridge the Gap Website Shop Section Mobile Still

Shop Section Mobile Still

Bridge the Gap Website History Section Mobile Still

History Section Mobile Still