Three Palms Villa Website Mockup


Relax the Back is a retail chain of stores selling back relief and wellness products. They recently opened a location in Buffalo, New York. This website is for users wishing to buy directly from the Buffalo, New York store and shows the products available at that location as well as ways to contact the store for buying options, and encourages in-person visits. The site also functions as a blog for users to learn more about how Relax the Back’s products can improve their health and wellness. The website was built in WordPress using the Divi block editor, and it is responsive for desktop and mobile viewing.

The homepage has a sticky navigation bar that changes style on scroll. The first fold features a full-width hero section with a background video of tranquil clouds, and a call to action with two buttons. This section gives the user a feeling of relaxation and luxury right away, and entices them to scroll. The homepage also features information and photos in a full-width tile format, a list of featured products, a scrolling articles section with blog post previews, and a call to action to visit the in-person store.

The product pages show photos of the product, the name and description, and an easy way to access the contact page. Each product also has a section with tabs showing specifications and features. Selling points are shown beneath this section in a colorful full-width tile format.


Relax the Back Buffalo First Fold Still

First Fold Still

Relax the Back Buffalo Homepage Articles Preview Still

Homepage Articles Preview Still

Relax the Back Buffalo Homepage Tiles Still

Homepage Tiles Still

Relax the Back Buffalo Products Page Still

Products Page Still

Relax the Back Buffalo Product Listing Still

Product Listing Page Still

Relax the Back Buffalo Product Information Tabs Still

Product Information Tabs Still

Relax the Back Buffalo First Fold Mobile Still

First Fold Mobile Still

Relax the Back Buffalo Product Listing Mobile Still

Product Listing Mobile Still